Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Remembering Walter Stafford: A Celebration of Service, Scholarship and Activism

Sunday, October 12, 2008 @ 3PM
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
515 Malcolm X Blvd at 135th Street, New York

Please RSVP at http://wagner.nyu.edu/events/wagner-10-12-2008.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I met Dr. Walter Stafford about 15 years ago. We worked together on the Black Family Task Force. Our relationship began on a rocky start because I was determined to convince him that he was viewing the Black Church from the wrong lenses. Those days of dragging Walter to meet with clergy, theologians and church history professors seems like an eternity ago. But it was through that project that I found a friend.
I will miss our long talks we had every night as we tried to single-handedly solve all of the issues and problems of the world. I will miss hearing of his latest battle, the reciting of his many songs and poems, and the story line of the many plays he never published. Walter was a special kind of friend that I could share anything and everything without judgement, surprise or fear of rejection. His love was unconditional. He was my "sanctuary," my safe space. I still find myself reaching for the telephone to call him. I still stop myself each morning as a call out his name in prayer only to remember that he is now praying for me.
His battle with cancer was long and hard. Many times we spoke of his pain and frustrations with his health, but he was a fighter and was determined to keep going until the end.
Walter has fought the good fight and he has finished his course. I am convinced that he has gained his crown of righteousness.